Photo by Pam Serna |
Author's note: This is another retro article I wrote. I think this is the last of the pieces I had written that I apparently, it looks like, did not publish at the time I wrote it. If I'm wrong and this has already been posted before...OOPS!!
"GREAT GOOGLY-MOOGLY!" I just looked up this expression in the Urban Dictionary. The expression was made popular by Frank Zappa, but for some reason unknown to myself, I thought it was another southernism. I use it as an expression of great surprise, which I think is the manner in which it was intended to be used. So, basically I just used "Great googly-moogly" to get your attention.
Well, I began a blog months and months ago. I was so caught up in schoolwork that I didn't really have the time to blog on a regular basis. Not much has changed, except that I am currently not working. I have joined the growing ranks of the unemployed in the United States, even though I am still working on my master's degree in public administration. I figure I should complete the classes in time to retire and do part-time adjunct work somewhere. That doesn't exactly sound like the American dream now, does it? I may possibly share more about those circumstances I find myself in at a later date.
While I enjoy writing as an outlet, I feel that perhaps from time to time, I may actually have something that could accidentally be of interest to someone.
So, what's worth writing about? Oh, except for the fact the world is rapidly spiraling out of control...NOT MUCH!!! I would like to touch on some social and political issues from time to time, possibly even personal issues. Politics is always a sensitive issue, and especially in this day and time. So, if I blog something which you don't agree with, just remember...THIS IS AMERICA, AND YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO YOUR OPINION! I will have to get some much needed sleep tonight, then my mind will hopefully be fresh enough to think of some things to post which could hopefully be thought provoking...or, my thoughts could provoke you to simply say...."So what??!!"